Questões de Concurso
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Judge the following item according to the text above.
The words “newspapers”, “uncomplicated” and “ownership” are examples words formed by a process called suffixation.
Prefeitura Municipal de Cerquilho - SP
Leia a charge.
This cartoon can be used as a resource to teach or review the use of prefixes in the English language. You may offer your students the following words and ask them to choose the alternative in which the prefix has the same meaning as “un”. Your students should mark alternative
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O sufixo -ing adquire função de adjetivo na alternativa
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A terminação -er nas palavras fewer e speaker, no primeiro parágrafo, e other, no segundo parágrafo, assume funções distintas: gera o comparativo; indica o agente que assume determinada atividade ou posição; compõe a raiz da palavra.
A alternativa em que se encontram palavras seguindo os mesmos processos de formação, respectivamente, é:
A alternativa em que se encontram palavras seguindo os mesmos processos de formação, respectivamente, é:
Prefeitura Municipal de Juru - PB
When it comes to word formation, a prefix is an affix which is placed before a word. Adding it to the beginning of one word changes it into another word. Some prefixes are used to convey a “negative meaning”. That being said, check the answer whose prefix was not used to convey a negative meaning.